Honoring our Femininity

Like most of us, I too scroll on my social media feed a bit more often than I’d like to admit.

Whilst scrolling the other day I felt this urge to write about feminity.

I see many of my fellow women showing an image of themselves online that gets me to question whether we really get what true femininity and power is.

I write this to remind us all of what I believe true femininity is…

Femininity is graceful, beautiful, sensual, sensitive, receptive; and powerful beyond measure.

What it is not, and what I see on my social media feed is; hyper-sexualization.

Whilst our female body is the most beautiful home we own - I believe we should honor and respect it this way.

Protect it. Love it. Nurture it. And of course, show it and be proud of it.

Femininity however is not “showcasing” our body on social media to be liked, desired, or approved by others.

The attention we seek based on our looks doesn’t have substance.

And that, we sooner or later feel in our soul.

It doesn’t affirm our power and strong femininity deep within ourselves.

Quite frankly I believe it denies it.

This like, comment, or in any way or form attention tricks our minds, feels like a rush but leaves our soul depleted.

It feels empty.

What we all crave for is to be loved and appreciated for who we are.

Without the make-up.

Without the nice dress.

Without the perfect body.

The emptiness we feel inside of us cannot be filled with a like or a wolf whistle on the street.

True femininity is beauty radiating from within.

A woman honoring her femininity lights up the entire room. 

She wears whatever she pleases and carries her body with grace.

True femininity equals confidence and high self-esteem.

And these two don’t need to show or prove something to anyone.

We must stop to look outside of ourselves to confirm our femininity.

And do our individual work to connect with it within.

We must.

We must honor our divine femininity.

We must lead by example.

We owe this to the women who fought for us, those who are fighting for us, and to all the women that will follow in our footsteps.


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