How to trust again

In life, we inevitably will be challenged by a variety of setbacks, losses, challenges, failures, etc. Over time, these seem to remain little scratches on our hearts that eat away our joy in life. I see people over the years becoming suspicious, bitter, or cynical about other people or life in general. I understand. I am challenged by that too. The fears that haunt us from when our trust was broken are not easily overcome. It takes courage and hard work to clean up your heart, to forgive, and eventually see these events for what they are; life experiences. And with that to see the fears that they cause for what they are; fears from past experiences that we mentally project into the now.

People break our trust. Life breaks our trust. But there is one trust that I always find comfort in. The deep belief in life and that life is always working fór me, not against me. Even if at times it feels like life and people are not fair, I trust that life has brought me to these situations and people to become stronger and come closer to myself.

I guess this is a personal choice we all have the ability to make. Will I allow my soul to be eaten away by the trust that has been broken or will I take the lessons and use them as my fuel to become wiser and cultivate a closer connection to my true self?

We can always make this choice. Perhaps not straight away, yet it is in our own hands to not let the anger/frustration/disappointment linger into our system for too long. Life is just so very short and no one or nothing shall have the power to take away your trust in the grander scope of things; the beautiful gift of life and the limited time we have here on this planet.

Life and the Universe is ever-expanding, ever-evolving. And since you are part of this bigger system, why shouldn’t you be? We stop our own evolution and expansion with our own thoughts. By believing our limited mind (e.g.fears) over believing in the bigger life.

I know it is easier said than done first-hand but I also know first-hand that once you truly embody this one major belief, all challenges become stepping stones to a better version of you, a grander life, and a much more fulfilling one.

“Life is always working for me.”

In hindsight, all my personal and professional setbacks, failures, losses catapulted me into a newer and better version of me. I know this after I have overcome them, never in the heat of the moment of course. So I thought it is worthwhile reminding myself, and you of this belief I consciously chose to believe. I remind myself now of this saying every time I am challenged with something. It brings me peace of mind and calmness in my heart.

I hope it helps you too, in any sort of way. ❤︎


The end of self-betrayal


The melancholy of happiness