Daniëlle van't Schip

Yogini, author and speaker
based in The Netherlands

bRANDING  •  WEB DESIGN  •  consulting

Together with Daniëlle, we created her new website matching her spiritual growth and professional growth aspirations. After a 20-year yogini journey and a variety of things done, we sat together to define where she is standing now and where she would like to go. Based on these consultancy sessions we created a beautiful website that represents her truest version of herself. Now. Ever-growing and ever-evolving. With Daniëlle we continue to work together as a business consultant as well as her trusted agency for print materials for retreats and any online marketing design needs.


“ I thank Eleni for being here. I thank the Universe for connecting me with this wise, bright light of a woman. My feelings for Eleni always remind me of the quote of Paulo Coelho “Really important meetings are planned by the souls long before the bodies see each other.” In my case, this meeting with Eleni occurred when I reached a limit of enthusiasm for life and did not know how to spread this enthusiasm to the world. A soul sister in my life like her is the greatest blessing from 2019 until forever. I love you, Eleni. "

❤︎ Daniëlle van't Schip


Puck van Doorn


Annemieke Boots