Pursuing dreams in times of fear

In a world full of chaos and fear, it's our job to continue to dream and use our inner power to make these dreams become reality.

I recently exchanged my Athenian city life for the small car-less island just off the coast of the Peloponnese. It's this island that called me back to Greece now about 5 years ago. In my high flying job in Amsterdam I had been struggling for quite some time with the emptiness that I felt in my soul. I was searching for fulfillment in my daily life but was unable to find that in my job and lifestyle. September 2015 I escaped my busy life, commonly labeled as "a holiday", and booked a solo trip to this island, Spetses.

Now, in hindsight, I know I had been preparing myself for years for what was about to come. It took me a couple of days to destress and fully embrace the flow of the simple island life, appreciate the beauty of nature in all its forms and live in alignment with all that made me feel peaceful, fulfilled, and alive. Reading, meeting new people, writing, eating beautiful local food, swimming, resting, etc. Towards the end of my 10-day holiday, I received what is called "an epiphany". I was watching the island scenery and a vivid picture and sense appeared in my consciousness. I saw a clear picture of myself in Greece and felt such a strong and undeniable feeling of joy and serenity. The picture I saw was sudden, the feelings didn't last very long, but the experience was life-altering. 

I went back to my old life, not really knowing what to do with all I had experienced but deeply sensing that I had to pursue this picture and feelings I had sensed. I gathered up my courage and left a couple of months later for Greece. There was no logic in my actions whatsoever. It just felt right. I have now learned that matters of the heart and soul cannot be intellectualized. They just are.

There is a knowing that goes beyond the logical mind and cannot ever be grasped by it.

Now, five years later, I am back here on Spetses island in the middle of two big Hollywood productions that are taking place. It doesn't surprise me that Hollywood chose this place, there is something about this island. It travels you into a mystical world.

I made a lot of dreams become reality in my life and it is from here now that I want to make one of my biggest dreams become a reality; writing my book.

The past 6 months have been intense for us all, to say the least. Many of us have seen our entire lives change in a heartbeat. And with that also our dreams and our ability to dream. When we are in survival mode we cannot dream but are busy surviving. I believe that's perhaps the biggest catastrophe of all that humanity is facing. 

No one and nothing should have the power to take away our ability to dream and pursue our dreams and our innermost desires. Yes, life is challenging, the world is upside down, but we can only change the world by changing ourselves first. With our own individual will and power. You reading this have this power. And you have your own dreams that are yours to make reality too. No one has them and no one can make them a reality for you.

Fear is the worse counselor in life. We all feel fear but how we react to it is our choice. fear is just a coping mechanism to keep us safe and in the old and familiar ways of doing and being. Fear is not evil, it can help us prepare better and allows us to evolve... but it should never stop us.

Every single time I was about to make a big change, I have felt this paralyzing fear that would go beyond my imagination. Always making me almost bailout for what was, in hindsight, the best next chapter of my life that was about to be revealed. I understood quickly in life that fear is not real, it feels very real, but it is not. 

Courage, therefore, is the one virtue we need to embody in these times. we've got to be courageous to go to the place of our heart and soul. Our heart always knows the way to fulfillment. the path of fear never moves us in that direction in life. 

Even on the boat to the island a couple of days ago I felt this penetrating fear in my body, my mind saying things like "you will end up alone and lonely, what the f* are you doing, how could you think this would be a good idea, and bla bla.".

I was afraid for a moment, and then I smiled. I had briefly forgotten those voices are not the true me, but my protective ego-self. My higher self knew my dreams and my deepest desires, my higher self guided me to meet the right people and created the right circumstances to make this next chapter of my life come perfectly together.

As I watch the sunsets and star skies each day, eat simple food, read books, listen to music, swim, write, coach, work being of service to the world with like-spirited people, gaze into the mediterranean sea, and do my bit to spread a bit more light into the world, I wonder... who's were these voices, to begin with? But most importantly, I wonder how I managed not to listen. 

I understand now more than ever that there is a force more powerful than our individual fear-based mind. And the more often we tap into that, the stronger it becomes, and the easier it can conquer the fear.

It's called love.

May this writing inspire you to continue dreaming, cultivate the courage within, and listen to your heart. It knows the way.

Wishing you well, my friend.


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